City Council meetings are being held in person and are open to the public. Residents can attend meetings held every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month, at 6:30 pm.
The meeting will be streamed via Vimeo - live the day of the meeting.
Click here to view the City's Vimeo page.
Submission of Public Comments:
In person:
Residents wishing to make a public comment can register with the City Clerk by filling out and submitting a speaker slip - available at the door.
Written or Via Email:
For those wishing to make public comments at the City Council meeting, please submit your comments by email to be read aloud at the meeting by the City Clerk. Email comments to Julia Espinoza at [email protected]. Please place “PUBLIC COMMENT” in the email subject line. Email comments on matters not on the agenda must be received prior to the time the Mayor calls the item for Public Comments. Email comments on the agenda items must be received prior to the time the Mayor closes public comments on the agenda item. All email comments shall be subject to the same rules as would otherwise govern speaker comments at the Council meeting. Electronic comments on agenda items may only be submitted via email and comments via text and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) will not be accepted.
Submission of Public Hearing Comments: Please put “COMMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING” in the subject line.
Reading of Public Comments: The City Clerk shall read all email comments, provided that the reading shall not exceed three (3) minutes, or such other time as the Council may provide, consistent with the time limit for speakers at a Council meeting. The email comments submitted shall become part of the record of the Council meeting
If you need special accommodations please call the City Clerk at: 951-487-7330
Presentations related to the Council Meeting:
You can download the full agenda by clicking here.