
Public Utilities

The mission statement of the Department of Public Utilities is to maintain the City’s physical infrastructure and provide the highest level of cost-effective maintenance for the City’s facilities, water, wastewater, storm drain systems, and right-of-ways, while protecting the public’s health and safety.

administrator imageThe Administration Department is responsible for providing intradepartmental workflow, grant and budget administration, including policy direction to all Public Utilities' departments. Visit the division page to view the department hotlines, facility location and hours.
park benchThe Parks Department currently manages 36+ parks, playgrounds and open spaces throughout San Jacinto. Visit the division page to view the department hotlines, facility locations and hours. 

storm drain cleaning
The Storm Drain Department works diligently to ensure that storm drain systems are clear of debris to avoid pollution and flooding. The City's storm drain system was built to collect and transport rain to prevent flooding along City streets and neighborhoods. When rainwater run-off from streets, parking lots, lawns and other surfaces, it enters gutters and storm drains, which lead directly to bodies of water, not treatment plants. Visit the division page to view the department hotlines, facility locations and hours.

road construction signThe Streets Department maintains the public roadways throughout City limits with the exception of Highway 79 and Gilman Springs Road. Visit the division page to view the department hotlines, facilty locations and hours.

septic tankThe Wastewater Department is responsible for overseeing the City's Collection System consists of approximately 178 miles of main sewer lines ranging in sizes from 6” to 18”. Access to the collection system is provided with 2,774 manhole access locations. All City sewage is transferred to Eastern Municipal Water District’s treatment plant. Visit the division page to view the department hotlines, facility locations and hours.

water workerThe Water Department oversees the City’s Water Distribution System, which consists of approximately 125-miles of water mains, ranging in size from 4 to 18 inches in diameter.  The water system is served by 4 active wells that service approximately 4,200 connections throughout the central area of the City. Visit the division page to view the department hotlines, facility locations and hours.


recycling In September 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) establishing methane emissions reduction targets in a statewide effort to reduce methane emissions. Methane gas is created in landfills when organic waste naturally decomposes. In accordance with this law, all local jurisdictions must provide recycling and organics waste collection services to all residential and commercial generators by January 1, 2022. This will help divert organic materials from landfills. Visit the Organics and Recycling page for more information. 

chief headshot
Arthur Mullen
Chief of Public Utilities
At Symbol

Public Utilities
Arthur Mullen

GPS Ping
270 Bissell Place
San Jacinto, CA 92582

Monday - Thursday   *   8am - 5pm
Closed Fridays & Holidays

P (951) 487-7330 Option 5
F (951) 487-7382