
Water Department

water worker
The Water Department o
versees the City’s Water Distribution System which consists of approximately 125-miles of water mains, ranging in size from 4 to 18 inches in diameter. The City’s water system is presently served by 4 active wells and has 3-storage tanks with a total capacity of 3.5 million gallons, which service approximately 4,200 connections throughout the central area of the City. 

The department also maintains jurisdictional fire hydrants, flushing programs, repairs to both mainline and right-of-way leaks, provides will-serve documents, responds to customer requests, fire flow testing and dig alerts, reads water meters on a monthly basis and collects water quality samples on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual schedule to ensure that local, state and federal standards are continuously upheld.

Water Boundary Map

The City's Wastewater Collection System
consists of, approximately 178 miles of main sewer lines, ranging in sizes from 6" to 18".  Access to the collection system is provided with 2,772 manhole locations.  All City sewage is transferred to Eastern Municipal Water District's treatment plant.

Annual Backflow Prevention Device Testing

To comply with City Ordinance 1062, backflow prevention devices must be tested and certified annually.  The list of approved testers and certificate form is update annually.  

For information on how to become an approved backflow tester, please email Mathew Osborn.

Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP)

This Urban Water Management Plan (Plan) was prepared in accordance with the California Urban Water Management Planning Act (Act), which became effective on January 1, 1985 (see Appendix A.1). The Act requires every “urban water supplier" to prepare and adopt an Urban Water Management Plan, and to periodically review its Plan at least once every five years and make any amendments or changes which are indicated by the review. The City of San Jacinto’s (City) Plan is an update for the year 2020.

2020 SJ UWMP
2020 SJ UWMP Appendices

superintendent headshot
Mathew Osborn
Water Utilities Superintendent

At Symbol
email Mathew Osborn

GPS Ping
270 Bissell Place
San Jacinto, CA 92582
Monday - Thursday   *   8am - 5pm
Closed Fridays & Holidays
P (951) 487-7330 Option 5
F (951) 487-7382


Water System Plan Update

Requirements for Tier 1 Public Notice
Following a Lead Action Level Exceedance