Indoor Cultivation Permit

Indoor Cultivation Permit


“Indoor Cultivation” (Land Use) means the cultivation of cannabis that occurs within a completely enclosed building that is not a greenhouse of other similar agricultural structure and is different than defined in Section 8000 of the Code of Regulations Code.


Permitted in Business Park and Industrial Light Zones.


•Shall not be established or located within 100 feet of any residential dwelling. The distance between any Cannabis Oriented Businesses and any residence shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to the boundaries of the City and intervening structures, from the building containing the Cannabis Oriented Business to the nearest property line of the residence. 

• Schools, Day Care and Youth Centers. Shall not be established or located within 600 feet of an existing school providing instruction in kindergarten or any grades 1 through 12, Day Care Center, or Youth Center. The distance between any Cannabis Oriented Businesses and any school shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to the boundaries of the City and intervening structures, from the building containing the Cannabis Oriented Business to the nearest property line of the School, Day Care and Youth Center.


• Minimum Area Size. There is no minimum; however, the cultivation or manufacturing areas shall comply with licensing requirements established by the California Department of Food & Agriculture.

• Maximum Cultivation Area Size. There is no maximum; however, the cultivation or manufacturing areas shall comply with licensing requirements established by the California Department of Food & Agriculture.

• Secure Area. The secure area shall be fully enclosed in a minimum 6-foot-tall fence or wall. All loading, unloading and distribution areas shall be screened from view from the right of way by the building or solid masonry wall no less than 6 feet.

• Prohibited Materials: Screen mesh and other similar material shall not be added to chain link fencing. Barbed wire, razor wire, or any other similar materials that contain an electrical charge that can be touched from outside the fence and wall shall be prohibited.