
City Clerk's Duties

Election Services
It is the duty of the City Clerk's office to conduct Municipal Elections in accordance with the City Municipal Code, Calilfornia Elections Code, and Political Reform Act.  The City Clerk staff provides guidance to candidates in meeting their legal responsibilities before, during, and after an election.

General Elections Information

Legislative Administration
The City Clerk's office is responsible for facilitiating the preparation, posting, and distribution of City Council meeting agendas as well as other required agendas, facilitating official and legislative processes including publishing and postings in accordance with California Government Code and the "Brown Act," also known as Open Meeting Law.

  • Attest, record and preserve all official actions of the City Council and certify City documents.
  • Codify the City's Municipal Code

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

City of San Jacinto Municipal Code
City Clerk's office maintains the San Jacinto Municipal Code, which is a compiliation of City ordinances and is accessible on the City's website as well as at City Hall.

San Jacinto Municipal Code

Public Disclosures and Transparency
The City Clerk's Office serves as the local compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes including the Political Reform Act, the Brown Act, and the Public Records Act. 

City of San Jacinto Request Form

Claims Against the City
The City Clerk's office is responsible for the acceptance of claims against the City under the California Tort Claim Act.  To orderly and efficiently process your claim, please print or type clearly all of the information requested on the form. Incomplete claim forms may be returned to you as insufficient. Be sure your claim is against the City of San Jacinto and not another public entity. Providing pertinent material can help with the claims process. Completed originally signed claim forms by be mailed or personally delivered to:

City of San Jacinto
ATTN: City Clerk's Office
595 S. San Jacinto Avenue
San Jacinto, CA 92583

Liability Claim Form